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Griffith University

  • 18% international / 82% domestic

Griffith University Courses

Bachelor (Honours)

South Bank
The Bachelor of Music (Honours) is a one-year Bachelor Honours degree available to students after graduating with the three-year Bachelor of Music.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to this Honours program, a student will be expected to meet the following requirements:

  • have successfully completed the requirements of a Bachelor of Music or hold a three or four year degree in music from a recognised university which is equivalent to the Bachelor of Music at Griffith University;
  • have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 5.6 (on a scale of 7.0) or equivalent from a recognised University (consideration will be given to students who achieve a minimum GPA of 5.6 in the final year of their program);
  • have a minimum grade of 6.0 in two Music Literature courses or demonstrate a standard equivalent to a grade of 6.0 in two music literature courses from a recognised University AND have completed 2329QCM Introduction to Music Research (or equivalent) and achieved a minimum grade of 6.0;
  • for students wishing to undertake Performance Study (as part of their Honours Research Project) have a minimum grade of 6.0 in Performance Study 3 (Part 2) or equivalent from a recognised University;
  • for students wishing to undertake Composition Study (as part of their Honours Research Project) have a minimum grade of 6.0 in Composition Study 3 (Part 2) or equivalent from a recognised University;
  • provide a Dissertation Research proposal (maximum 1000 words) of satisfactory standard in the format prescribed by the Conservatorium [Honours Proposal Proforma].
1 year full-time
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Tuition Fees
$34,000 per year / $34,000 total
International Tuition Fees
$34,000 per year / $34,000 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Bachelor (Honours)

South Bank
This Honours program provides a fourth year of study for students who have completed the Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production (1284), or an equivalent undergraduate program.
Entry Requirements

The University's Bachelor Honours Degree (AQF Level 8) Policy will apply.

To be eligible for admission to this Honours program, consideration will be given to the following criteria:

  • have achieved a grade point average of at least 5.0 in their undergraduate degree
  • have negotiated one supervisor who is available and willing to facilitate the student's requirements
  • prospective students must confirm prior to application that their chosen project can be conducted within the appropriate concentration area, that is, check the availability of resources, supervision etc.
  • submit a proposal outlining the nature of the Research Project they wish to undertake
  • applicants are required to present a current folio of their most outstanding work.
1 year full-time, 2 years part-time
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Tuition Fees
$31,000 per year / $31,000 total
International Tuition Fees
$31,000 per year / $31,000 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Graduate Certificate

Gain tools for mental health practice. Work more effectively with people with a mental illness, their carers and family members with the tools found in this graduate certificate.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Practice, a student must have completed:

  • a Bachelor degree (or higher) in any discipline;
  • OR a relevant Certificate IV or Diploma - VET/TAFE qualification and a minimum of one year full-time professional experience in the mental health, health, disability, rehabilitation or related human services fields;
  • OR a minimum of three years full-time professional experience in the disability, rehabilitation, mental health, or related human services fields and can demonstrate ability to undertake graduate study through the provision of curriculum vitae and an employer's reference.
1 year part-time
Study Mode
Domestic Tuition Fees
$10,000 per year
Graduate Satisfaction

Graduate Certificate

It is widely accepted in many professions that learning should continue beyond the acquisition of initial tertiary qualifications.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Professional Learning, a student must:

  • hold any Bachelor degree from a recognised University (or another tertiary education institution of equivalent standing) with a minimum GPA of 4.0 (using a 7.0 point scale) OR
  • have a combination of alternative admission criteria such as formal, informal and non-formal learning deemed to be equivalent to the above (these students will be eligible for up to 20 credit points of credit).
1 year part-time
Study Mode
Domestic Tuition Fees
$11,000 per year
International Tuition Fees
$15,250 per year
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

Within a flexible online learning environment you will gain the knowledge and skills you need to be an effective human services professional. Human service professionals are concerned with improving the social, economic, personal and communal well-being of people.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Master of Human Services, an applicant must hold:

  • an undergraduate Bachelor degree (or higher) in human services cognate fields such as social or behavioural science, psychological sciences, social work, community welfare, human services, nursing, education, criminology;
  • OR a Bachelor with Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters qualification in a different discipline area;
  • OR the Graduate Certificate in Human Services (3272) or Graduate Certificate in Disability Inclusion (3295) or Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies (3370) or Graduate Certificate in First Peoples Community Practice (3371) from Griffith University - applicants will be eligible for 40 credit points towards the requirements of the Master of Human Services (5604).
1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time
Study Mode
Domestic Tuition Fees
$23,000 per year / $34,500 total
International Tuition Fees
$31,000 per year / $46,500 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Bachelor (Honours)

Logan, Gold Coast
The Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) encompasses 30 credit points of research dissertation.
Entry Requirements

The University's Bachelor Honours Degree (AQF Level 8) Policy will apply.

Students who have completed Years 1 and 2 of the Bachelor of Social Work (1372) or Bachelor of Social Work (1282) or equivalent program are eligible to apply for admission to this program. Students will undertake the 30 credit point dissertation in Years 3 and 4 as determined by the Program Director and subject to the following criteria:

  • completion of Years 1 and 2 of the Bachelor of Social Work (1372) or Bachelor of Social Work (1282) or equivalent program;
  • achievement of a GPA of at least 5.5 for the second year core courses in the Bachelor of Social Work (1372) or Bachelor of Social Work (1282); and
  • achievement of a grade of at least 5.0 in 2002HSV Human Services Research or equivalent research course.

The Program Director will take the following into consideration when assessing applications for admission:

  • the suitability of the proposed dissertation topic; and
  • the resources available to support the candidature including availability of appropriate supervision.

Note: Entry is competitive and will be determined by order of academic merit and is subject to available supervisory resources.

4 years full-time, 8 years part-time
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Tuition Fees
$29,500 per year / $118,000 total
International Tuition Fees
$29,500 per year / $118,000 total

Bachelor (Honours)

Logan, Nathan, Gold Coast
To be awarded a Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) degree, one additional year of study is required following the successful completion of the Bachelor of Nursing.
Entry Requirements

The University's Bachelor Honours Degree (AQF Level 8) Policy will apply.

The criteria for admission to this Honours program are:

  • successful completion of a Bachelor of Nursing or an equivalent qualification and
  • a GPA of at least 5.0 over the second and third years of the Bachelor degree.

The Program Director will take the following into consideration when assessing applications for admission:

  • the suitability of the proposed dissertation topic, the resources available to support the candidature and the availability of appropriate supervision and
  • the preparedness of the applicant to undertake the degree in terms of the elapsed time since the prospective candidate qualified for the award of a Bachelor degree and the academic preparation provided by the Bachelor degree for the candidate's proposed dissertation topic.
1 year full-time, 2 years part-time
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Tuition Fees
$33,500 per year / $33,500 total
International Tuition Fees
$33,500 per year / $33,500 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

This professional qualifying postgraduate program qualifies graduates for entry into the social work profession, as well as providing additional training to enhance employability in mental health practice.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Master of Social Work/Master of Mental Health Practice, a student must hold:

  • a relevant three-year degree with a minimum GPA of 4.0 (using a 7.0 point scale) in a related field other than social work* which includes at least one year of full-time study in social sciences (studies of the individual and society) or equivalent.

* This includes human services, social sciences, behavioural sciences, counselling and psychological sciences.

As the number of applicants may exceed the Commonwealth Supported Places available in the program, selection for admission is competitive and will be based upon past academic performance and the relevance of previously completed tertiary studies and work experience. To be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place, applicants are required to submit past academic transcripts and a curriculum vitae. You also have the opportunity to provide additional supporting documentation (personal statement of up to 500 words plus supporting evidence) if you consider that your past GPA was adversely impacted by significant circumstances such as poverty, homelessness, mental or physical ill-health, or family violence. If you are not successful in gaining a Commonwealth Supported Place, you may be eligible for a Fee-Paying Postgraduate place.

3 years full-time, 6 years part-time
Domestic Tuition Fees
$22,000 per year / $66,000 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Graduate Certificate

Nathan, Gold Coast
Become a cyber detective. Gain the specialist knowledge required to investigate, detect and prevent cyber crime using digital forensic tools and techniques in this degree.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security, an applicant must:

  • hold a Bachelor degree or Bachelor Honours degree in Information Technology or Computer Science or equivalent from a recognised University (or another tertiary education institution of equivalent standing) with a minimum GPA of 4.0 (using a 7.0 point scale)
  • OR have a minimum of five years equivalent full-time professional work experience in a relevant field.
1 year part-time
Study Mode
In person, Online
Domestic Tuition Fees
$12,000 per year
International Tuition Fees
$17,500 per year
Graduate Satisfaction

Graduate Certificate

Deepen your understanding of Autism. This degree, offered by the Autism Centre of Excellence, applies a multi-disciplinary, whole-of-life focus to autism. Our approach aligns with the neurodiversity paradigm, and we incorporate the voices of autistic and autism community in each of our courses.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for entry to the Graduate Certificate program applicants must have the following:

  • bachelors degree in any discipline from a recognised University (or another tertiary education institution of equivalent standing) with a minimum GPA of 4.5 (using a 7.0 scale)
  • OR a qualification leading to professional registration (for example Nursing)
  • OR five years of relevant work experience.

Note: This is a postgraduate level program and students will need to be competent in oral and written communication skills to successfully complete the program.

0.5 year full-time, 1 year part-time
Study Mode
Domestic Tuition Fees
$11,000 per year / $11,000 total
International Tuition Fees
$15,250 per year / $15,250 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

Gold Coast
This program builds on the technical skills developed in the Bachelor of Dental Health Science and is the final two years of professional training needed for eligibility to apply for registration as a Dentist.
Entry Requirements

The Master of Dentistry is only open to students who have successfully completed the Bachelor of Dental Health Science (1577) or the Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science (1259) at Griffith.

Students who wish to delay entry into the Master of Dentistry may do so for no more than one year. Students who delay entry cannot be guaranteed a place in the Master of Dentistry. Entry will be subject to available dental operatories (dental chairs) and to passing a clinical and written examination.

2 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Tuition Fees
$64,000 per year / $128,000 total
International Tuition Fees
$83,500 per year / $167,000 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Juris Doctor

Nathan, Gold Coast
The Juris Doctor program will prepare you for a rewarding career. It is an alternative to the Bachelor of Laws for students who have completed an undergraduate degree in any discipline.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Juris Doctor, an applicant must have completed:

  • a Bachelor degree (except a Bachelor of Laws) or higher providing it is equivalent to 1.5 years of full-time study from a recognised tertiary institution with a minimum GPA of 4.0 on a 7-point scale (or equivalent) OR
  • a law degree from a different legal system (i.e. it must be a Bachelor of Laws from a non-Australian tertiary institution).
3 years full-time, 6 years part-time
Study Mode
In person, Online
Domestic Tuition Fees
$32,500 per year / $97,500 total
International Tuition Fees
$39,000 per year / $117,000 total
Graduate Satisfaction