Updating Results

Swire Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Swire Australia

7.8 rating for Recruitment, based on 5 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The interview process was quite extensive, with psychometric testing assessing english, maths and logic skills, an initial video interview, a skype interview and then two in person interviews.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Oct 2016
After the initial application (CV, cover letter, short answer q's), there were two rounds of online testing (including verification in-house) and three challenging interviews (initially Skype, two in person).
Graduate, Roxby Downs - 18 Oct 2016
I was hired following Psychometric Assessments, a recorded Video Interview, a one on one Skype interview, and then a face to face interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2016
Midlevel, Melbourne - 13 Oct 2016
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
I was asked questions about myself, my achievements thus far, the challenges I have faced and how I've gotten through them. There were some quite interesting ones which made me think about how I present to people, and how I perceive people and their body language cues as well!
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Oct 2016
Situational and behavioral type questions. Some hypothetical, some from your own experience.
Graduate, Roxby Downs - 18 Oct 2016
I was asked questions around why I chose this company, what I thought I could bring, what my skills were, where I see my strongest personal and leadership skills, and what my weaknesses were. Very personality focused, which allowed an assessment of my strengths in teamwork and problem solving.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2016
Midlevel, Melbourne - 13 Oct 2016
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Have examples of how you respond to situations, and of situations you have been exposed to ready, as well as examples of working in team projects and how you deal with conflict.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Oct 2016
Be honest, and be comfortable answering questions about yourself.
Graduate, Roxby Downs - 18 Oct 2016
I recommend reading the company values and seeing if you fit with these. Swire is focused on training graduates in their way of doing business, so the relevant thing is how you will fit with the company rather than what experience you have to offer.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 13 Oct 2016
It is quite an intense recruitment process, but the support from the hiring manager was sensational. My tips would be - know your strengths and weaknesses, and what you would bring to the company. Come prepared to every stage with your own questions, treat the interview as a conversation for them and for you - make sure it's the right company for you! And most of all, be relaxed and honest with every answer.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2016