Graduate Primary Teacher at St Mary Star of the Sea College
Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) at Edith Cowan University (ECU)
5.15 AM
It’s time to roll out of bed, take a 2 minute drive, sweat it out at the gym before the day begins.
6.00 AM
Time to get ready for work back at home. Muesli and Greek yoghurt on the menu with a nice hot coffee too.
7.00 AM
I start my journey to school, it’s a short 1km walk listening to a morning podcast.
7.15 AM
I set my classroom with a morning activity ready for each student. I check my emails, open all my lessons and say g’day to my colleagues.
8.10 AM
Morning bell goes, students start walking in the door. Students start on their morning tasks.
10.10 AM
Recess time. Yes! I love kicking the footy at recess, I usually invite myself to play king of the pack (can’t pass up an opportunity to mark a ball over small humans).
10.30 AM
Back inside the classroom and we are on a video call. It’s our Chinese teacher Xu, I supervise the class while she teaches new concepts. Today we are learning how to say different locations in your home. Bedroom is Wòshì.
1.20 PM
Now we have Art! Our class project is creating an art display for our door that represents this years NAIDOC theme ‘For Our Elders’. We are first creating the land which we are on, then we will add some animals, medicine and food that our elders would find in this area of the Yinggarda people.
2.35 PM
Final bell goes and students are dismissed for the day. I stay back and change the schedule for the next day, make sure everything is neat and tidy.
3.30 PM
After I arrive home, it’s time to go fishing in the kayak at the creek. It is about a 15 minute drive South of Carnarvon and today is perfect conditions with high tide setting in and no wind. I have had a few nibbles, nothing big enough today for dinner though.
5.40 PM
Time to head home and freshen up.
6.30 PM
Sunset dinner at the local pub. Catching up with friends and watching the sun go down over a nice cold beverage.
8.30 PM
Time to go to sleep and reset for a new day.
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